
Thank you for visiting the website of AndyJonC - that's me by the way! I originally created this site to act as a central hub for my family and friends to access, in order to keep up to date with what is going on in my life.

Development of AndyJonC

As time has passed and pages like Facebook and Twitter have become more prevalent, I have expanded and modified the website to include more general information including my work information, my hobbies and pastimes, and also a little bit of self-advertising for potential web design opportunities.

Exploring the site

It is my hope that the AndyJonC website is easy to navigate and view. The content headers above all contain sub-pages so ensure you explore thoroughly or you may miss out on an interesting and informative page

Thanks for visiting

Finally, thank you for visiting the AndyJonC website. Please do not hesitate to use the Contact Me page if you find anything broken, not functioning as it should, to leave feedback or simply just to say hello...